So I'm in love with the wagon you guys brought today and must go get one now! Here's a few sneak peaks for you to view. Hope you enjoy them. It was great meeting you all today. Thanks for taking the long drive out to let me do your images.
Too much fun she was today. I can actually say I proofed all the images already, woo hoo. I had a blast with you, hope you enjoyed your time too and had fun.
Ok I'm still overjoyed by the snow yesterday. Yes, it's gone now but while it was here it was the best. I felt like such a kid the other day. Anyhow after all the playing in the snow with the kiddos I had to run around and capture some up close and personal images. Here are some of them I wanted to share.
IT SNOWED!! Ok, living in Tucson we can't help but get excited. These images were taken early on, but by the end of the night the street was covered, cars, trees, etc. I'm so excited. I loved walking out my front door late this evening to find so many people out taking pictures, having snow ball fights and even making snow angels in the street (don't do it in the street though, please stick to your yard please :) ) I'm crossing my fingers it will be there in the morning still and hopefully even more!
Here is your sneak peak! I had a great time with you all at the park, hopefully you have all defrosted by now. It was so fun to see your little man be himself, he is hiding a fun personality in there. Enjoy your sneak peaks although I'm saving my favorite for you to see in your proof book of dad and son.
I have said it before and I will again, there is nothing I love more to photography, to capture than laughter. I love nothing more than when I can make my husband, my kids or anyone laugh so hard it comes from deep in their belly. I love being there when someone else makes someone laugh like this too. For these reasons I love these images I captured, of your love and laughter and I'm so glad I could capture it.
Ok, let me start by saying what a great time I had with you all yesterday. Through the blistering cold your laughter kept me warm. You were all such a fun family to work with, I had a blast. I left with a smile on my face yesterday evening and I love meeting up with people who leave you happier then when you arrived, people who make a difference, I'm happy I had the chance to meet you all. Hope you enjoy these sneak peaks:
Ok so while out of town my husband and I found ourselves lost and driving around for about an hour before we arrived back to the house. Some would be mad after a waste of an evening that could have been spent together while grandma and grandpa were watching the boys but not us so much because we found this sign... Now who names their business this? We drove by once then had to drive back by to get a picture. The employees inside looked at us a bit weird but with a name like this you have to assume people will stop and look, so what if I pulled out my camera too.
Ok and I adore this one with little man blurred and looking at the reactions of the crowd. Ok I still can't pull out my favorites but here are a few more I wanted to share with you all.
Just wanted to share a few images I took while in Florida. Here are a few maternity images I did. Just wanted to share a few images I took while in Florida. Here are a few maternity images I did.