Hubby got ahold of the camera today for some last minute images before the baby arrives. Turns out if the baby doesn't arrive by Friday I will be induced that day, so before we know it our new bundle of joy will arrive.
So today I pulled out all the stuff to get some images of my boys together (to think that these are probably the last images of them together as just two, before #3 arrives) So we did get some great images that I would love to share but think I might use in holiday cards so for now I'm holding off on sharing them but had to share the fun they had after they "behaved" Here's the nuts, who I also call the love of my life..
Ok I know it seems I have been slacking posting on here and sure I have. I've been sitting here waiting and waiting for our new bundle of joy to arrive and he seems to like being stubborn. So while I haven't been doing sessions in October, due to the arrival of the little one soon, I also have been lacking in posts, sorry! Here are some of my little man today who turned 3! He was so excited to get a cake with characters on it. All he really wanted to do though was dip the characters in the icing, lick icing off, and repeat.
Ok this little miss I hear had her mom checking my blog this morning to see if I had put up images from the birthday party yesterday. I kept most kids other than my own out of the images not knowing if it was fine with their parents yet but here you go miss thing, one of you and one of my little man eyeing you, you're such a sweetheart to him.