Soon to come I will be adding more to this blog. For products I have discovered to share with you, random quotes and the most for you on getting great snapshots of your kids and capturing them in the moment in day to day life. These day to day images are so important to capture, tehy tell a story, you get to look back and remember and later tell stories to future generations who can then continue to tell the stories.
Below a quote I loved from a movie i wanted to share:
"I'm sure my customers never think about it,
but these snapshots are their little stand against the flow of time
The shutter clicked, flash goes off, and they stop time.
Just for a blink of an eye, and
If these pictures have anything important to say to future generations,
it's this:
I was young, I was happy, and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture."
-Sy Parrish (Sy the Photo Guy)